Category: Injury Rehab & Prevention

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Strong bones are important for all of us, not only for the aging baby boomers about whom we’re hearing so...

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1. Why stretch? Stretching lengthens muscles and improves flexibility. Also, stretching the big leg muscles – the hamstrings, calves, and...

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Repetitive stress injuries are typically very difficult to treat successfully. These injuries are the result of actions done repeatedly, frequently,...

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Core strength is critical for everyday activities such as placing heavy grocery bags into the trunk of your automobile, carrying...

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Many adults begin to develop shoulder pain, even though they may not have sustained a specific injury. It’s important to...

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Most of us have experienced a painful bout of low back pain brought on by a seemingly innocuous movement such...

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“There I am,” a very fit patient is saying, “out on my five-mile run, motoring my way up a steep...

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You’re driving to work and stop for a red light. You’re minding your own business and – bam! – your...

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Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today’s society is extremely fashion and style conscious....

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