Category: Newsletter Library

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In 2009 there’s been lots of conversation about health care, both at the federal and state levels.1-3 Not all the...

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Spring is near. In New York City, yellow, white, and purple crocuses have raised their cup-shaped flowers above the ground...

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We’re all familiar with the highway driving experience of being behind a person who is continually braking for no apparent...

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In the language of statistics, health is a continuous variable. A person’s health can be expressed as an infinity of...

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Whether we rent or own our home, all of us pay some form of monthly living expenses. Even if we...

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In “Out of the Past”, one of the greatest film noir ever made, Robert Mitchum’s past inevitably catches up with...

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Chiropractic care is the one form of health care that keeps on giving. Chiropractic care certainly helps people to recover...

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Most of us, at one time or another, have traveled for business. Some of us do this fairly often, and...

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Americans spend more than $2 billion each year on sleep-aiding medications. Sleep is supposed to be a natural process. What’s...

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The holidays are here – Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Lots of family get-togethers, lots of fellowship and fun, and usually...

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So far 2009 has been a rollercoaster ride – many great new developments. And yet the worldwide economic turmoil has...

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The fitness boom was launched in America in the early 1980s by a small group of celebrities, including Jane Fonda,...

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