Category: Newsletter Library

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It’s early January – a New Year – and you’ve decided this is going to be the year you actually...

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Every successful athlete knows that a plan is necessary to reach the highest levels of performance. How many practice sessions...

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We usually don’t think of our bodies in terms of their being “smart.” For example, we walk to the corner...

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Rice and beans is a well-liked combination of foods that is not only delicious, but also good for you. Other...

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The days are long, the weather’s warm, the sky is blue . . . it’s summer and we’re ready to...

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Did you ever think your health and well-being are important factors in the health and well-being of the planet? It’s...

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Summertime is fun time – swimming, surfing, beach volleyball, beach barbecues, and lots of sunshine! We want to be sure...

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Like Goldilocks, we want things to work out just right. When it comes to our health, though, things don’t work...

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Not too long ago, the Eighth Joint National Committee (originally commissioned by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) released...

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Being an informed patient is an empowering concept.1 In the modern healthcare marketplace, the doctor-patient relationship has become a two-way...

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Health insurance costs are out of control. We’re all painfully aware of this inflationary spiral. Monthly premiums are through the...

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In the field of statistics, a five-point rating scale is commonly used to evaluate all sorts of personal responses, feelings,...

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