Category: Newsletter Library

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Allergies and asthma are big business. Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, and approximately 20 million suffer from asthma....

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Poets throughout the centuries have helped us see that being young is a state of mind. That special state of...

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“60 is the New 40” is more than a marketing slogan. The phrase is also a metaphor for optimism, as...

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Many people experience increasing musculoskeletal joint stiffness as they get older. Shoulders, knees, and ankles don’t seem to be as...

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The Macintosh operating system contains a subprogram called “Time Machine” that allows you to reset your status to any previously...

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Let’s imagine that today is your birthday. One of the things you might do on or around your birthday is...

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What if you used to be really fit and now you’re not? What if, as the years have gone by,...

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Bob Barker, beloved host of The Price Is Right, recently made headlines by announcing his retirement after 35 years. “Barker...

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The average age of Americans is increasing year-by-year. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United States during the...

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Thirty-five year-old Tracy had tried everything: monitoring her cycles through body temperature, over-the-counter fertility predictors and finally, fertility-enhancing drugs and...

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You’re pregnant! Congratulations! Your body’s changing-wondrously, marvelously. One unexpected and unwelcome change may be lower back pain. Recent studies suggest...

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In a classic scene in the classic 1984 movie Starman, the extraterrestrial Jeff Bridges tells the human Karen Allen that,...

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