Category: Newsletter Library

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Windows and Mac users actually do have one thing in common – computer ergonomics issues, namely, pain.1,2 Beyond the usual...

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Kids get hurt all the time. They’re running, they’re jumping, they’re crashing into things. Kids want to have fun, and...

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Kids can get checked, too. Do kids need regular blood pressure check-ups or regular tests of their blood glucose levels?...

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American kids are under tremendous pressure to perform well in school. Every year they’re required to take more and more...

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The worldwide type 2 diabetes epidemic has been thoroughly documented.1,2 Yet despite extensive study and analysis, there has been little...

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What is your lifestyle? Not whether you are married or where you live, but rather, how are you choosing to...

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Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting...

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We all know some people who get sick all the time. They’re just getting over one thing when here comes...

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Health care breakthroughs are big business. We know this because such news is reported in the Business Section of newspapers...

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Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the “flu season”. “It’s never too soon to begin fighting...

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We’re in the middle of several deadly epidemics in the United States. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are affecting more...

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Most of us are procrastinators. We let things go until the last minute. Papers, magazines, and books pile up on...

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